Before we start, a small reminder to join me also on & on! Have a cozy weekend!
What's Opening: December 17th - 19th
Exhibitions: 'In Low Resolution', by David Maljković // S2: 'Rats Nibble the Moon', by Eran Nave
Venue: Sommer Gallery
Opening: December 17th, 8 pm
Eran Nave at Sommer
Michael Shvadron at La Culture
Maya Israel at Feinberg Projects
Boyan at Raw Art
Exhibition: 7X7 | 7 Photographers X 7 minutes
Artists: Keren Zaltz, Shani Nahmias, Hanna Sahar, Yoav Horesh, Boaz Aharonovitch, Galia Gur Zeev, Avshalom Levi
Venue: Indie Photography Group Gallery
Opening: December 17th, 8 pm
Ilit Azoulay at Indie Photography Gallery
Ester Shneider at Zadik
Friday-Saturday December 18th-19th
Exhibition: Special Art sale for The Levinsky Garden Library for the Migrant Communities and Neighborhoods of South Tel Aviv, each work will be sold for 1,500 NIS.
Venue: ArtSpace
Dates: December 18th-19th 11 am - 6 pm
Rotem Manor at the Special Art sale for The Levinski Garden Library
Saturday, December 19th
Exhibition: Eye Eye
Artist: Jonathan Monk
Venue: Dvir Gallery
Opening: December 19th, 10 am - 1 pm
Jonathan Monk at Dvir