What's Opening (October 20th - 21st)
Exhibition: Group Show & Party
Venue: Launch event of The Red House, 35 Yisra'el Mislant
Opening: October 20th, 8 pm
Exhibition: Not New Just Changed (A New Time is No Matter)
Artist: Megan Whitmarsh
Venue: Raw Art Gallery
Opening: October 20th, 8 pm
Exhibition: William Sakhnini Solo Exhibition
Venue: المخزن / אלמסן /Almacén
Opening: October 20th, 8 pm
Event: Print Fair 2016
Artist: 101 artists and photographers
Venue: REA Photography House, 14 Hamanoa st.
Opening: October 21st, 12:00 (Fair runs until Monday October 24th, included)
Print by Shirley Shor